Self-confidence is the core belief that “I can.”

Self-confidence is the core belief that “I can.” It is declarative in the conviction that if you wanted to do something, you are completely capable.

The study of achievement motivation assumes that strivings for attainment are mediated through numerous cognitive mechanisms. Our perception of ability is the central concept of those strivings. Self-confidence refers to the belief in one’s personal appeal and probability of succeeding. It is a combination of both self-efficacy and esteem. In other words, we can’t truly be motivated without being confident in our capabilities.

Success in any form, be it vocational or interpersonal, all boils down to self-belief. Unfortunately, we are often encouraged to avoid uncomfortable or unpleasant internal experiences. In turn, individuals struggle with confidence — whether it be in the classroom, workplace, or in social settings. Conversely, motivation plays a factor in order to conquer the opposite.

We avoid failure at all costs

Confidence plays a huge part in learning. Decades of research support the notion of believing in your ability to do something enhances your ability to do it. We are instinctive beings and avoid activities, which we perceive as a potential threat. This is how we have been able to survive thus far, but it is also how people deter from growth. There is a very fine line separating precautions behavior and insecurity.

People with low self-esteem tend to form a victim mentality. As a result, we are often left feeling powerless and refuse change not because we don’t want to, but because we believe that we will fail if we try. We need to develop ways to condition confidence in order to take ownership of our thoughts because self-esteem is strengthened by increased self-confidence.

I try not to believe myself when I start to consider I can’t do something.

When we’re talking about ourselves all truth is subjective. We are comprised of the perceptions and opinions we form. These understandings are usually, but not rightfully, based on how others view us to be — from what they have told us or worse, what we imagine they believe.

In other words- it’s all bull_ _ _ _. It is not true. It is someone else’s crap imbedded in our thoughts.

The truth is we can believe anything we want, positive or negative, because honestly this isn’t what is going to matter right away. What matters is what we do with the information. We are easily fooled by believing our negative thoughts sometimes. Instead of listening to those feelings we need to proceed with positive choices. We need to be analytical.

What do I KNOW is a positive choice in this very moment?

Our actions will then cause certain outcomes. When we do not regulate and control the causations of the actions that is when we fall into some trouble. By creating positive movements, one small success occurs after another and eventually you will create a success identity — similar to a snowball effect.

Under Pressure

For the most part, high pressure situations will make the majority of us uncomfortable, therefore, decreasing our belief we can perform a task. This is why the world is not filled with elite athletes and millionaires (aside from other factors of course). Those of us who are not confident will actually position ourselves to always be safe.

In sport, self-confidence is one of the most frequent factors thought to affect athletic achievements. We tend to see how self-confidence plays a huge role in competition, or high pressure situations. The trick here is to practice diligently before we compete, but not to hold out on competition because we are too afraid to fail. It’s a no brainer that life is easier when we aren’t downplaying our capabilities 24/7 and we believe in ourselves. It just may take some time getting there first.

The number one factor in gaining benefit and maximizing results in and out of the gym is believing in the program. This belief will have you trying harder and will yield greater effects.

Sometimes the best program is simply trusting the process.

What you’ll gain out of being confident:

You won’t fail as much · You will not succeed always, but you will take those times as a learning lesson, not a fiasco. You won’t let it stop you from continuing and growing.

You will suddenly feel highly motivated· You tend to procrastinate when you lack interest or feel you may not complete the job.

You won’t miss out on opportunities · You will be able to embark on more journeys and experiences because you venture outside of your comfort zone.

You’ll stop comparing yourself · You begin to realize the internet showcase of all things perfect and awesome is fake. Nothing in life is as good as what you’re capable of completing.

You will stop avoiding conflict at all costs · You will be able to confront anyone in any situation because your feelings matter. You will be able to take on any task knowing you might hit a few bumps in the road, but you are prepared.


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